A waist gunner in a late-B-17F. Note the unusually tall ammunition boxes. These are Cheyenne M-2136s, a 1943 modification which enlarged the standard waist boxes. Top heavy and clumsy, these boxes were replaced in the G series.
When the prototype B-17 – the Boeing 299 – made its first flight on 28 July 1935, Seattle Times reporter Richard Williams described it as a “15-ton flying fortress.” In reality, she was little different from other bombers of the time, having a single .30 caliber machine gun mounted in swivels on the nose, floor, roof, and sides. Despite Air Corps fascination with the bomber, the Army would not approve any production orders until Pres. Roosevelt called for national rearmament on 12 January 1939.
Throughout the first two years of the war the Army Air Corps watched the British daylight bombing effort closely, being particularly interested in aircraft armament. While the US could boast it had some of the highest performance aircraft in the world, these same aircraft were militarily ill-prepared for the conflict ahead. As a result, the B-17 was radically redesigned, with wartime versions like the E, F, and G models carrying as many as thirteen .50 caliber machine guns – many of which were mounted in powered turrets. Lucky Thirteen, an F model, carried twelve .50 caliber machine guns, four of which were in powered turrets, and was rated to carry a 4,000 lb internal bombload, though overloading was not uncommon.
We at Hangar Thirteen would like to impress on our supporters that no aspect of rebuilding Lucky Thirteen is going to be as difficult as her armament. If we are going to do this, we are going to need your help.
In our quest for authenticity, it is our hope to rebuild and restore the aircraft’s autopilot, bombracks, bombsight, electric gunsights, and powered gun turrets to working order. Likewise, it is our intention to replicate and/or restore the aircraft’s entire complement of armor plating. Each of these projects will be exceedingly difficult as, not only are they composed of many pieces now virtually impossible to find, but they are easily as complex and intricate as the airplane itself. Still, it will be worth the effort to have a surviving B-17 in her original combat configuration.
To be sure, we acknowledge the need for replica machine guns and bombs (and there are replicas out there that can be loaded and cocked like the real-McCoy). Still, the goal is authenticity at the highest level. We cannot do this alone. While we value everyone’s support, please understand that we cannot accomplish this solely on good feelings. Please do not be content to sit on the sidelines – the only way to preserve the past is to nurture it. We are counting on you.
Some thoughts before going on to the parts list:
- In total, Lucky Thirteen carried some 5,000 rounds of .50 caliber BMG ammunition in linked belts. While it is fairly easy to locate dummy ammunition, there is a tendency for vendors to sell it at prices far beyond its worth. A savvy firearm enthusiast could probably accomplish much in this area.
- When looking at a possible Ammunition Chute, remember that the inner label color identifies the feed direction: Red-Left, Green-Right.
- Do not worry if an Ammunition Chute is too long; it can be easily shortened by removing links like a watch band.
- In general, the armor plating on the Boeing B-17 consisted of homogenous steel in either .25 or .31 thickness. The listings below give the general sizes of each piece.
- Since powered turrets were provided by independent contractors, their components are not listed in Boeing blueprints. We intend to list turret components on this page in the future but in the meantime, just keep an eye out for anything that may be of some use.
- Likewise, in regard to the bomb bay, the release boxes are far more important than the bombs themselves.
Blueprint 65-6806-F: Armament Installation
Blueprint 65-7387-B: Armor Installation

2LT Walter Witt in the nose of Winning Run (42-29944, 303BG), which ran out of fuel on 6 September 1943 while attempting to land. The outer-layer of fabric is removed from the walls forward of Station 2 to allow for nose-gun modifications.
M-1387 – Nose Gun Installation
M-1440 – Nose Gun Roof Brace Installation
M-1462 – Nose Gun Mount Installation
M-1515 – Nose Gun Equipment Installation
Blueprint 1-21987 – Bombsight Installation
Blueprint 9-6498 – Autopilot Wiring Diagram
Blueprint 15-9266-A – Autopilot Equipment Installation
Blueprint 3-15157 (26.3 x 8 x .25)
Blueprint 6-10771-2 (31.1 x 14.85 x .25)
Blueprint 6-10772-4 (43.16 x 25.81 x .25)
Blueprint 6-10773 (16 x 13.54 x .25)
Blueprint 6-10774-2 (23 x 15.65 x .25)
Annotated Training Chart for C-1 Autopilot
A-6A Autopilot Control Panel COMPLETED
Amplifier (Blueprint 3-15195) COMPLETED
Bombsight Floor Support (Blueprint 7-1652)
Bombsight (Carl Norden)
Bombsight Mount (Blueprint 9-3740-C)
2x Clamp Assemblies (Blueprint 6-15249)
2x Clamps (Blueprint 9-3726-2)
2x Handles (Blueprint 1-30484)
Mount (Blueprint 14-3003-B)
3x 33B5452-41 Vibration Mounts (Load Rating 35) COMPLETED
33B5452-46 Vibration Mount (Load Rating 45) COMPLETED
4x Bolts (Blueprint 1-21214)
Plate (Blueprint 6-11987)
Support (Blueprint 9-5209)
Strap (Blueprint 1-24212)
Trunnion (Blueprint 1-25556)
Bombsight Directional Stabilizer Example
Glide Bombing Hose (Blueprint 6-11578-B)
Gyro (Blueprint 3-15195) COMPLETED
Junction Box (G1028A6CA1/Blueprint 9-6617) (Blueprint 14-3006-B)
Mark 15, Mod. 5 Pilot Director Indicator (C-24863) COMPLETED
Rotary Inverter (Blueprint 3-15185-A) DONATED BY JOE MCKOWEN (GAFFNEY, SC)
3x Servo Units (Blueprint 3-15184 – Servos, Rudder & Elevator) (Blueprint 3-15185-A – Servo Aileron) COMPLETED
600 Rounds .50 Caliber Ammunition
3x A-11 Sight Beads Example
2x Ammunition Chutes (48 Inches; One Left, One Right) Example
3x AN-M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Guns (H39B5344) Example
3x B-13 Sight Rings Example
3x C-2 Ammunition Mounts (37B2675) (One Left, Two Right) Example
C-19 Ball Adapter Example
3x E-5/E-11 BMG Mounts Example
K-4 Ball Mount Example
2x K-5 Swivel Mounts Example
x10 O-1 Ammunition Cans
Ammo Box (Blueprint 15-13853) COMPLETED
3x Ammunition Rollers (Blueprint 3-21396-1) DONATED BY MOBAT CO. (BERNIE, MISSOURI)
3x Ammunition Roller Rods (Blueprint 1-30403-1) COMPLETED
3x Decals (Blueprint 3-26035) COMPLETED
6x Chute Supports (Blueprint 3-20562) COMPLETED

SSGT Roger D. Palmer (385BG) cleans the guns of his Sperry A-1 Turret, circa September 1943.
55-7521: Equipment Installation – Power Turrets
Blueprints 3-15141 & 3-15141-1 (39.40 x 18 x .30)
Blueprints 3-15152 & 3-15152-1 (21.88 x 12 x .25)
Blueprints 9-4917 & 9-4917-1
800 Rounds .50 Caliber Ammunition
A-1 Top Turret Example
A-4 Gunner’s Safety Belt Example
2x AN-M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Guns (H39B5344) Example
Azimuth Gear – SG-951 (G-210197)
Azimuth Gear Tuning Cable Drive – SG-958 (D-210344)
Bag and Ejection Chute Assemblies
2x Ejection Chute Assemblies x2 – SG-985 (D-210621)
Shell Bag (Left) – SG-992-1 (D-210579)
Shell Bag (Right) – SG-992-2 (D-210580)
Shell Chute (Left) – SG-1420 (G-210528)
Shell Chute (Right) – SG-1419 (D-210646)
Shell Deflector (Left) – SG-1414-1 (D-210771)
Shell Deflector (Right) – SG-1414 (D-210772)
Base Assembly (Swivel Oxygen) – SP-3565 COMPLETED
Bracket and Support Assemblies
Bracket and Support Assembly (Left) – A-211334
Bracket and Support Assembly (Right) – A-211335
Cross Shaft Gear Assembly (Elevation) – SG-957 (G-210795)
Transmission Gear Box – SG-70 (G-210250)
Type 2 Dome – SG-959 (J210835) COMPLETED
2x Shutter Assemblies – SG-965 (A-210815)
Double Power Unit – 63404 (J-210983)
2x Breather Tanks – A-211325 and A-211326
Vickers Motor – 74831 (G-94014) COMPLETED
2x Vickers Transmissions – 56413 (AA-16801-A) COMPLETED
2x E-10 Recoil Adapters
Elevation Gearings
Elevation Gear, Left – SG-955 (G-210759)
Elevation Gear, Right – SG-956 (G-210769)
Elevation Gear, Tuning Cable Drive – SG-974 (D-210381)
Fire Cut Off and Limit Stop
Interrupter – 644972 (J-210976)
Interrupter Control Box – SG-973 (G-210624)
Gun Carriage (Sight and Gun Mount) – D-211034
Gun Chargers and Accessories
2x Gun Charger Assemblies – B-211331
2x G-11 Solenoids
Gun Sight
K-3 Gunsight COMPLETED
4x Tuning Cables
SG-1167-1 (B-210787 – Elevation to Sight)
SG-1167-2 (B-210826 – Azimuth to Sight)
SG-1167-4 (B-210825 – Elevation to Interrupter)
SG-1790 (B-210796 – Range to Sight)
Hand Control – SP-4525 COMPLETED
Junction Box Assembly
B-7 Trouble Light COMPLETED
Cable (Gun Sight) – SG-1815 (G-210490)
Cable (Hand Control) – SG-3545
Cable (Intercom) – A-211017
Cable (Interrupter) – SG-1816 (SG-210602)
Cable (Oxygen) – SP3555
Cable (Oxygen Warning Light) – SP3513
Cable (Mic Jack) – D-211018
Cable (Power) – SG-1817 (B-210625)
Cable (Solenoid (Left)) – B-210648
Cable (Solenoid (Right)) – SG1822 (B-210750)
Cable (Trouble Light) – B-211255
Junction Box – G-211186
Oxygen System – B-211345
Rail Assemblies – G-211199
3x Ammo Cans (Left) – SG-977-2 (G-210703)
3x Ammo Cans (Right) – SG-977-1 (G-210702)
Tub Housing – A-211346

An M-5 Bomb Trailer is rolled underneath a B-17G for loading. The M-5 had a load capacity of 5,000 lbs and could be towed in trains up to six M-5s long.
6-10783-A: Armor Installation – Bombbay
15-7955-A: Equipment Installation – Bomb Racks
15-7949-B: Ammunition Installation – Bomb Hoists
15-7949-B: Ammunition Installation – Bomb Hoists (2000 lbs)
15-7949-B: Ammunition Installation – Bomb Hoists (1600 lbs)
15-7949-B: Ammunition Installation – Bomb Hoists (1000 lbs)
15-7949-B: Ammunition Installation – Bomb Hoists (500 lbs)
Blueprint 6-10768-1 (22.5 x 30.5 x .25)
Blueprint 6-10769 (20.46 x 29.76 x .25)
Blueprint 6-10770 (30.1 x 30 x .25)
24x A-1 Bomb Release Receptacles Example
24x A-2 Bomb Releases (4161742) (Twelve Left-Hand, Twelve Right-Hand) Example
24x B-7 Bomb Shackles Example
86x Bomb Rack Carrying Hooks (33A6182) & Springs (33A6186) (43x Left-Hand, 43x Right-Hand)
C-3 Bomb Hoist (35G3422) Example COMPLETED (TYPE C-3A)
15 August 1943
24x AN-M30 100 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
16 August 1943
16x AN-M31 300 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
17 August 1943
10x AN-M31 300 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
27 August 1943
2x AN-M34 2,000 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
31 August 1943
12x AN-M43 500 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
3 September 1943
12x AN-M43 500 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
6 September 1943
12x AN-M43 500 lb General Purpose Bombs Chart
Bomb Hoist Support (Blueprint 15-7582-B)
2x Channels (Blueprint 1-26476)
Decals (Blueprint 9-5204-23), (-28)
Latch (Blueprint 3-13601)
Plates (Blueprint 1-26477), (-1)
Plates (Blueprint 1-26478), (-1)
Support (Blueprint 3-13533)
Support (Blueprint 3-13558-8)
Bomb Racks – Inboard (Blueprint 15-7954-D), (-1)
26x Auxiliary Switch Boxes (Blueprint 1-21516)
26x Bearing Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21099)
26x Bearing Housings (Blueprint 1-21098)
24x Bearings (Blueprint 1-21005)
2x Bearings (Blueprint 1-21005-1)
4x Brackets (Blueprint 6-10109)
12x Channel Assemblies (Blueprint 3-19570)
13x Crank Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21379)
13x Cranks (Blueprint 1-21002)
13x Cranks (Blueprint 1-21002-1)
13x Crank Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21379-2)
Crank Installations (Blueprint 9-3721), (-1)
8x Fillers (Blueprint 1-21034)
4x Guard Rope Lugs (Blueprint 1-25566)
2x Guards (Blueprint 3-19975)
2x Guards (Blueprint 3-19975-1)
Name Plates (Blueprint 3-21145), (-1)
Pointers (Blueprint 1-28736), (-1)
Rail Support Plates (Blueprint 3-14909-4), (-5)
Rail Assemblies (Blueprint 15-7952-1), (-2), (-3), (-4)
Decals (Blueprint 3-1611-3), (-5), (-6), (-7)
Decals (Blueprint 3-16129-8), (-9), (-12), (-14), (-16)
2x Fillers (Blueprint 1-21425)
2x Fillers (Blueprint 1-21425-1)
Fillers (Blueprint 1-21454), (-1), (-2), (-3)
Fillers (Blueprint 3-14235), (-1)
23x Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-17847)
23x Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-17847-1)
4x Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21426)
4x Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21426-1)
4x Reinforcements (Blueprint 1-21016)
4x Reinforcements (Blueprint 1-21017)
2x Shims (Blueprint 1-26410)
46x Spacers (Blueprint 1-17897)
8x Spacers (Blueprint 1-20533)
Spacers (Blueprint 3-14217), (-1)
2x Terminals (Blueprint 3-14232)
2x Terminals (Blueprint 3-14232-1)
14x Release Bar Supports (Blueprint 1-20185)
2x Release Bar Supports (Blueprint 1-26432)
Release Bars (Blueprint 14-2357-8), (-9)
Shear Plates (Blueprint 15-7957), (-1)
2x Plate Hoist Supports (Blueprint 1-21039)
52x Socket Installations (Blueprint 1-20732)
2x Spacer Hoist Supports (Blueprint 1-21040-1)
Bomb Racks – Outboard (Blueprint 15-7953-9), (-10)
16x Auxiliary Switch Boxes (Blueprint 1-21516)
16x Bearing Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21099)
26x Bearing Housings (Blueprint 1-21098)
16x Bearings (Blueprint 1-21005)
4x Brackets (Blueprint 6-10108)
8x Crank Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21379)
8x Cranks (Blueprint 1-21002)
8x Cranks (Blueprint 1-21002-1)
8x Crank Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21379-2)
Crank Installations (Blueprint 9-3723), (-1)
Nameplate (Blueprint 3-21145-1)
Pointer (Blueprint 1-28736-1)
Rail Assemblies (Blueprint 15-7951-3), (-4), (-9), (-10)
Decals (Blueprint 3-16111-3), (-4), (-5), (-6)
Decals (Blueprint 3-16129-17)
Fillers (Blueprint No. 1-23570), (-1)
15x Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-17847)
15x Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-17847-1)
Hook Assemblies (Blueprint 1-21426), (-1)
30x Spacers (Blueprint 1-17897)
2x Spacers (Blueprint 1-20533)
Release Bar (Blueprint 14-2357-2)
Release Bars (Blueprint 14-2357), (-2)
10x Release Bar Supports (Blueprint 1-20185)
Shear Plates (Blueprint 15-7958), (-1)
2x D-6 Shackle Adapters (Blueprint 15-7781), (-1)
2x Bracket Assemblies (Blueprint 1-19995)
8x Bearing Assemblies (Blueprint 21-9212)
4x Brackets (Blueprint 1-19656)
4x Brackets (Blueprint 1-19847)
Crank Assemblies (Blueprint 1-19857-1), (-2), (-3), (-4)
4x Cranks (Blueprint 1-19843)
4x Shafts (Blueprint 1-19856)
4x Lever Assemblies (Blueprint 1-19069)
4x Levers Flanged (Blueprint 1-19844)
4x Shaft Assemblies (Blueprint 1-19060)
4x Cranks (Blueprint 1-19843)
4x Spacer Assemblies (Blueprint 1-18982)
2x Terminals (Blueprint 3-13937-1)
2x Terminals (Blueprint 3-13937-2)
Tubes (Blueprint 8-1295), (-1)
8x Fillers (Blueprint 1-21034-1)
2x Pulleys (Blueprint 6-10119-A)
4x Knobs (Blueprint 1-21038-1)
4x Pins (Blueprint 1-21035-1)
4x Pulleys (Blueprint 1-26853)
4x Springs (Blueprint 41-7530)
2x Pulleys (Blueprint 41-4180)
6x Pulleys (Blueprint 41-4181)
Shim (Blueprint 3-19019-1)
4x Spacers (Blueprint 1-20543-16)
4x Spacers (Blueprint 1-27730)

The radio compartment gun ring was characteristic of late-B-17Fs. Oddly enough, manual photos consistently show this position with a different BMG Mount than what the blueprints call for.
15-10411: Equipment Installation – Radio Compartment Gun
14-3290: Ammunition Installation – Radio Compartment Gun
300 Rounds .50 Caliber Ammunition
2x Ammunition Chutes (48 Inches; One Left, One Right) Example
AN-M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun (H39B5344) Example
C-3 Ammunition Mount (39B3905) (Right) Example
E-8/E-12 BMG Mount Example
300 Round Ammunition Box (Blueprint 14-3286-A)
Ammunition Roller (Blueprint 3-13675) DONATED BY MOBAT CO. (BERNIE, MISSOURI)
Ammunition Roller Rod (Blueprint 1-28072-1) COMPLETED
Angle (Blueprint 1-27382) COMPLETED
Angle (Blueprint 3-19299)
Brace (Blueprint 3-19547) COMPLETED
Bracket (Blueprint 6-13193)
Brackets (Blueprint 1-27381), (-1) COMPLETED
Decal (Blueprint 1-27933) COMPLETED
2x Gussets (Blueprint 1-27380) COMPLETED
2x Latches (Blueprint 1-29960) COMPLETED
2x Stops (Blueprint 1-28742) COMPLETED
Strap (Blueprint 1-22707-18)
Sight Bead (Blueprint 3-19578)
Clamp (Blueprint 3-19577)
Post (Blueprint 1-27706)
Spring (Blueprint 1-27726)
Sight Ring – Folding (Blueprint 3-19579)
Clamp (Blueprint 1-16365)
Hook (Blueprint 1-16366)
Ring (Blueprint 3-19580)
Sleeve (Blueprint 1-16382)
Spring (Blueprint 1-16373)
Gun Frame (Blueprint 6-13184)
Mount Assembly (Blueprint 15-10412)
Buffer (Blueprint 1-18298-8)
2x Carriages (Blueprint 3-13379)
Filler (Blueprint 1-27185)
2x Locks (Blueprint 18145)
2x Pins (Blueprint 1-18146)
4x Pins (Blueprint 1-18148)
Ring (Blueprint 9-3379)
3x Roller Assembly (Blueprint 1-18067)
2x Slides (Blueprint 1-17014)
4x Spacers (Blueprint 1-18143)
2x Spacers (Blueprint 1-18144)
Spring (Blueprint 1-18065)
2x Springs (Blueprint 1-18147)
2x Springs (Blueprint 1-18160)
Support Assembly (Blueprint 15-10409)
Bushing (Blueprint 1-27745)
Bushing (Blueprint 1-18338)
Yoke Assembly (Blueprint 3-19280)
Pin (Blueprint 3-20848)
Pin (Blueprint 3-21881)
Shell Case Assembly (Blueprint 6-15203)
Channel (Blueprint 3-21874)
Frame (Blueprint 3-21875)
Frame (Blueprint 6-15202)
Stowage Bracket Assembly (Blueprint 3-19291)
Strap (Blueprint 1-22707-15)

Armorers check the internal feed system of a B-17’s A-2 Ball Turret. It is a common misunderstanding that the turret was fed through external cans, something only used on late-B-24s and the short-lived B-32.
15-9472-C: Armor Installation – Waist Guns
55-7521: Equipment Installation – Power Turrets
15-8785-A-0 & 15-8785-A-1: Equipment Installation – Waist Guns
15-10606-A: Ammunition Installation – Waist Guns
A-2 Ball Turret – Electrical System
A-2 Ball Turret – Hand Control Diagram
A-2 Ball Turret – Hydraulic Diagram
A-2 Ball Turret – Wiring Diagram
2x Blueprint 3-16147 (40.8 x 18 x .25)
Blueprint 3-16151 (40.6 x 12.3 x .25)
Blueprint 3-16152 – (40.6 x 12.3 x .25)
Blueprint 6-11311 (25.04 x 17.46 x .125)
Briggs Manufacturing
1,016 Rounds .50 Caliber Ammunition
A-4 Gunner’s Safety Belt – 11581 Example
Ammunition Magazine – 990 COMPLETED
2x AN-M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Guns (H39B5344) Example
Ball (Front Center) – 1486
Ball (Rear Center) – 1487
Bell Assembly (Left) – 1465
Bell Assembly (Right) – 1466
2x Bell Caps – 1566 ONE OF TWO ACQUIRED
Door Assembly – 1021
2x E-10 Recoil Adapters COMPLETED
2x G-11 Solenoids COMPLETED
2x Gun Brackets (Rear) – 1484 ONE OF TWO ACQUIRED
Gun Charger Assembly (Left) – 1870 COMPLETED
Gun Charger Assembly (Right) – 1341 COMPLETED
Interrupter Switch – 11000
Cable (Double Power Unit) – 1892
Cable (Gun Sight) – 1537
Cable (Hand Control) – 1538
Cable (Intercom) – 1548
Cable (Interrupter) – 1541
Cable (Power, Hanger to Wall) – 1547
Cable (Power, Wall to Box) – 1546
Cable (Solenoid, Left) – 11056
Cable (Solenoid, Right) – 1539
Cable (Suit Heater) – 1543
Cable (Trouble Light) – 1542
Ring Support (Left) – 1481 ACQUIRED
Ring Support (Right) – 1478 ACQUIRED
600 Rounds .50 Caliber Ammunition
2x A-3 Gunner’s Safety Belts Example
2x A-5 Sight Beads Example
2x Ammunition Chutes (48 Inches; One Left, One Right) Example
2x AN-M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Guns (H39B5344) Example
C-3 Ammunition Mount (39B3905) (One Right, One Left) Example
2x E-8/E-12 BMG Mounts Example
2x E-10 Recoil Adapters Example
300 Round Ammunition Boxes (Blueprint 15-10605-A), (-1) COMPLETED
2x Ammunition Rollers (Blueprint 3-13797) DONATED BY MOBAT CO. (BERNIE, MISSOURI)
2x Ammunition Roller Rods (Blueprint 1-28072) COMPLETED
2x Angles (Blueprint 3-19574) COMPLETED
12x Angle Tube Supports (Blueprint 1-20022) COMPLETED
2x Brackets (Blueprint 6-13192) COMPLETED
2x Decals (Blueprint 9-4642-25) COMPLETED
2x Side Covers (Blueprint 3-19575) COMPLETED
Base Assemblies (Blueprint 1-22622), (-1)
Stowage Brackets (Blueprint 6-10750), (-1)
Post Assemblies (Blueprint 6-10737), (-1)
2x Bosses (Blueprint 1-22623)
2x Liner Tube – 3.38 Tall, 2.055 Diameter, 1025 Steel (Blueprint 1-22618)
2x Pins – .125 Diameter, 1.38 Long
2x Plungers (Blueprint 1-22610)
Post Brackets (Blueprint 3-15125-10), (-11)
2x Post Tubes – 24.57 Tall, 2.25 Diameter, .125 Thick 1025 Steel (Blueprint 1-22619)
2x Springs – 1″ Free Length, 4.5 lbs at .31 Inches Compressed (Blueprint 1-22609)
2x Yoke Mounts (Blueprint 6-10736)
4x Bushings (Blueprint 1-22621)
2x Yoke Stems – 3.88 Long, 1.375 Steel Bar (Blueprint 1-22617)
2x Knob Assemblies (Blueprint 1-22613)
2x Knobs (Blueprint 1-22611)
2x Knob Catches (Blueprint 1-22612)

SSGT Joe F. Kotlarz cleans the tail guns on Kipling’s Error III (42-5885, 96BG). Kipling’s Error II was lost over Rostock on 11 April 1944.
9-3610-C: Equipment Installation – Tail Guns
15-7524-C & 15-7524-1-C: Ammunition Installation – Tail Guns
15-7360-83: Fuselage Assembly – Tail Guns
Blueprint 3-13534
Blueprint 3-13544 (21 x 13 x .31)
Blueprint 3-13545-A (18 x 14.5 .31)
Blueprint 3-13546-1 (18.3 x 10 x .31)
1,130 Rounds .50 Caliber Ammunition
2x Ammunition Chutes (65 Inches; One Left, One Right) Example
2x AN-M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Guns (H39B5344) Example
2x C-2 Ammunition Mounts (37B2675) (One Left, One Right) Example
2x E-5/E-11 BMG Mounts Example
N-2 Gun Camera Example
500 Round Ammunition Boxes (Blueprint 15-7486-C), (-1) COMPLETED |
Box Assembly (Blueprint 15-11674-A), (-1) COMPLETED |
2x Roller Assemblies (Blueprint 3-13797) DONATED BY MOBAT CO. (BERNIE, MISSOURI) |
2x Roller Rods (Blueprint 1-30403) COMPLETED |
Decals (Blueprint 3-21877), (-1) COMPLETED |
2x Pad Assemblies (Blueprint 1-18687) COMPLETED |
Angles (Blueprint 1-17557), (-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Angle (Blueprint 1-18348) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Angles (Blueprint 1-18408), (-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Angles – Gun Ring Support (Blueprint 1-19067), (-1) |
Angles – Gun Ring Support (Blueprint 1-19078), (-1) |
Azimuth Scale (Blueprint 15-10422) |
Scale (Blueprint 1-13183) COMPLETED |
Support (Blueprint 6-13181) |
2x Barrel Stabilizers (Blueprint 6-9622) |
Gun Barrel Stabilizer Assemblies (Blueprint 3-14078), (-1) |
Boot Installation – Rear Gun Sight (Blueprint 6-14929) |
Plate – Seal (Blueprint 1-29935-1) |
Box Installation – Azimuth Scale (Blueprint 9-5615) |
Angle – Clip (Blueprint 1-27642) |
Angle – Clip (Blueprint 1-27643) |
Box Assembly – Azimuth Scale (Blueprint 6-13392) COMPLETED |
Brace Assembly – Stowage (Blueprint 6-9446) |
Brackets – Armor Plate Support (Blueprint 6-9267), (-1) |
Brackets – Gun Ring Sight Upper (Blueprint 3-13525), (-1) |
Bracket – Intercom Support (Blueprint 1-21944) |
Bracket – Panel Support (Blueprint 1-28317) |
Bracket – Panel Support (Blueprint 3-2034-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Bracket Assemblies – Yoke (Blueprint 1-20006), (-1) |
Bracket Installation – Over Run Control (Blueprint 9-5829) |
Bracket (Blueprint 3-20204) |
Bulkhead Assemblies – Station 11A Upper (Blueprint 6-9499-2), (-3) |
Angle – Clip (Blueprint (1-18882) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Bulkhead Assembly – Station 11A Lower (Blueprint 15-7678) |
2x Reinforcements (Blueprint 1-18664) |
Bulkhead Assemblies – Station 11C Lower (Blueprint 15-7663-2) |
2x Reinforcements (Blueprint 1-18664) |
Supports – Ammo Track (Blueprint 1-19037), (-1) |
Bulkhead Assemblies – Station 11C Upper (Blueprint 6-9465), (-1) |
Bulkhead Assembly – Station 11G Lower (Blueprint 15-7510) |
2x Channels (Blueprint 1-18583) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Bulkhead Assembly – Station 11G Upper (Blueprint 6-9263) |
Bulkhead Assembly – Station 11J (Blueprint 6-9306-A) |
Bulkhead – Signal Light (Blueprint 6-9269) |
2x Support – Signal Lights (Blueprint 3-12998) |
Channel (Blueprint 1-18524) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Channel (Blueprint 1-18525) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Channel – Seat Stop (Blueprint 1-18108) |
Channel – Stowage (Blueprint 15-7597) |
Channel Assemblies – Glass Support (Blueprint 6-9262), (-1) |
Channel Assembly – Rear Gun Stowage (Blueprint 6-13378-A) |
Bracket (Blueprint 3-19513) |
Collar (Blueprint 1-27602) |
Channel (Blueprint 3-13556) |
Spring (Blueprint 1-27602) |
Stowage Lever (Blueprint 1-27399) |
2x Channel Reinforcements (Blueprint 1-19829) |
Chute Installation – Shells (Blueprint 15-7777) |
Chute Assembly (Blueprint 15-7776-C) |
Hopper Assembly (Blueprint 15-7775) |
Stiffeners (Blueprint 1-18308-1), (-2), (-3), (-4), (-5) |
Cover Access – Sight Control (Blueprint 6-9326) |
Cover Installation (Blueprint 15-7520-B) |
2x Sector Cover Ring (Blueprint 1-21352) |
3x Sector Cover Rings (Blueprint 1-20531), (-1) |
3x Sector Cover Rings (Blueprint 1-20532), (-1) |
4x Trim – Gun Camera Window (Blueprint 1-21354) |
4x Collars – Gun Barrels (Blueprint 1-18295) |
Rub Block (Blueprint 1-24206) |
Window – Gun Camera (Blueprint 1-21353) |
Fairing – Shell Head (Blueprint 9-3442) |
Fairings – Window Frames (Blueprint 6-9268-2), (-3) |
Fillet – Rear Glass Enclosure (Blueprint 3-13583) |
Frame – Rubber Window Retainer (Blueprint 46-9339) |
Gasket (Blueprint 1-18777) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Gasket (Blueprint 1-18815) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Gasket – Rubber (Blueprint 3-13600-1) |
Mount Installation (Blueprint 15-7518-B) |
Bracket – Gun Sight (Blueprint 1-19658) |
Clip (Blueprint 1-18300) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Crank Assembly – Gun Sight (Blueprint 1-19661) |
Pulley (Blueprint 1-18304) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Spacer – Pulley (Blueprint 1-29690) |
Support – Gun Mount (Blueprint 6-9280) |
Support Assembly (Blueprint 3-13507) |
Bushing (Blueprint 1-18258) |
Support (Blueprint 6-9235) |
Washer (Blueprint 1-18259) |
Support Assembly (Blueprint 3-13514) |
Support (Blueprint 6-9235-2) |
Terminal (Blueprint 1-18256) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Terminal (Blueprint 1-18262) |
Tube (Blueprint 3-13531-B) |
Clamp (Blueprint 1-18381) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Guide – Gun Sight (Blueprint 1-19058) |
Sight Control (Blueprint 1-18255) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
2x Yoke Assemblies (Blueprint 3-13527) |
2x Studs (Blueprint 1-18316) |
N-2 Gun Camera (Blueprint 15-7999-B) |
Bracket (Blueprint 3-14689) |
Camera Bracket (Blueprint 6-10444) |
Channel Reinforcement (Blueprint 1-21366) |
Channel Reinforcement (Blueprint 1-21367) |
Snubber (Blueprint 1-21362) |
Decal (Blueprint 9-5204-24), (-29) |
Mounts (Blueprint 3-14690), (-1) |
2x Angles (Blueprint 1-21061) |
2x Angles (Blueprint 1-21062) |
Pads – Chest (Blueprint 7-1539-B) |
2x Pads – Knee (Blueprint 6-9210) |
Pads – Shoulder (Blueprint 6-9338, (-6) |
Panel Assembly – Floor (Blueprint 6-9272) |
Retainer – Bulletproof Glass (Blueprint 6-8979) |
Retainer – Rubber Window Strip (Blueprint 3-13657) |
Retainer – Rubber Window Strip (Blueprint 6-9468) |
Ring Assembly – Station 11 (Blueprint 15-7489) |
Angle Assembly – Floor Support (Blueprint 3-13788) |
Bulkhead Fairing (Blueprint 3-13522) |
Plate – Splice (Blueprint 1-18561) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Supports – Ammunition Boxes (Blueprint 6-9264), (-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Seat Installation (Blueprint 15-7337-C) |
8x Bushings – Seat Lock Guide (Blueprint 1-26889) |
4x Bushings – Seat Lock Guide (Blueprint 1-27630) |
Cushion (Blueprint 6-8943) |
Fork Assembly – Lock (Blueprint 3-19026) |
Spring (Blueprint 1-18073) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Hinges (Blueprint 3-21388), (-1) |
Plate – Retainer (Blueprint 1-27635) |
Plate – Seat Lock (Blueprint 1-26888) |
Spring (Blueprint 1-18073) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
2x Strap Assemblies (Blueprint 1-18778) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Track Assemblies (Blueprint 3-13733), (-1) |
Plate – Phenolic (Blueprint 1-18071) |
Tube – Seat Lock (Blueprint 1-26887) |
Sight Installation (Blueprint 15-7516-B) |
Bracket (Blueprint 1-18253) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Bracket Assembly (Blueprint 1-18263) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Bracket Assembly (Blueprint 1-18264) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Clip (Blueprint 1-18300-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Pulley Assembly – Rear Gun Sight (Blueprint 1-19083) |
Pulley (Blueprint 1-18269) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Sight Assembly (3-13519-5) COMPLETED |
Fitting (Blueprint 1-18296-4) COMPLETED |
Sight – Ring (Blueprint 1-22607) COMPLETED |
Sight – Bead (Blueprint 1-18302) COMPLETED |
Quadrant (Blueprint 1-26403-2) COMPLETED |
Fitting Assembly (Blueprint 1-18297) COMPLETED |
Spacer (Blueprint 1-18319) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Support Assembly (Blueprint 1-18280) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Yoke Assembly (Blueprint 1-19087-4) COMPLETED |
86x Snap Assemblies (Blueprint 1-18887) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Stiffener – Station 11G (Blueprint 1-18785) |
Stop (Blueprint 1-19072) |
Strap Assemblies (Blueprint 3-21907), (-1) |
Strips – Rubbing (Blueprint 6-15257), (-1) |
Supports – Ammo Boxes (Blueprint 6-9273), (-1) |
Supports – Gun Ring (Blueprint 6-9349-2), (-3) |
Support – Gun Ring Lower (Blueprint 3-13924) |
2x Supports – Oxygen Warning Lights (Blueprint 1-28747) |
Support Assembly – Gun Bearing Bracket (Blueprint 6-9270) |
Support Assembly – Gun Bearing Bracket (Blueprint 6-9271) |
Support Assemblies – Kneepads (Blueprint 15-7610), (-1) |
Brackets (Blueprint 3-13521), (-1) |
Support Assembly – Microphone (Blueprint 3-19983) |
Decal (Blueprint 3-1626-7) |
Zee (Blueprint 3-20239) |
Support Assembly – Rear Gun (Blueprint 6-9589) |
4x Clamps (Blueprint 1-19815) |
86x Support Installations – Dome Light (Blueprint 6-10746) |
Bracket Assembly – Dome Light (Blueprint 3-15134) |
Support Installation – Stowage (Blueprint 9-3680) |
Support Installation – Suit Rheostat (Blueprint 15-11154) |
Tee (Blueprint 1-18278) |
Tees – Station 10 (Blueprint 3-13512), (-1) |
Tow Target Release (Blueprint 9-5314) |
Lever Assembly (Blueprint 3-18269) |
Supports (Blueprint 3-18266), (-1) |
Yoke (Blueprint 1-26471) |
Window – Bulletproof Glass (Blueprint 1-17551) DONATED BY AGP PLASTICS (TRUMBAUERSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA) |
Window – Panel – Pick-Up (Blueprint 6-9332) |
Windows – Panels – Pick-Up (Blueprint 15-7572), (-1) |
Window Installation (Blueprint 15-8778) |
Handle Assembly – Pick-Up Window (Blueprint 3-14987) |
2x Tees (Blueprint 1-20366) |
Channel Assembly – Head Fairing (Blueprint 15-8774-A) |
Angle – Window Track (Blueprint 6-10724-1) |
Angle – Window Track (Blueprint 6-10725-1) |
Former Assembly – Station 11A Head Fairing (Blueprint 15-8775-A) |
Angle – Window Track (Blueprint 6-10724) |
Angle – Window Track (Blueprint 6-10725) |
Panel Assembly (Blueprint 15-8779-B) |
Angle Assembly – Window Roller (Blueprint 1-20362), (-1) |
Angle – Window Roller (Blueprint 1-20364), (-1) |
Panel – Pick-Up Window (Blueprint 9-6115) |
4x Studs (Blueprint 1-20365) |
2x Spacers (Blueprint 1-20367) |
Yoke Assembly (Blueprint 3-13599-1) |
Angle (Blueprint 1-18882) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Channels – Yoke (Blueprint 6-9266-2), (-10) |
Yoke Assembly – Rear (Blueprint 15-7488-9) |
Angles – Yoke Splice (Blueprint 1-18766), (-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Angle (Blueprint 1-18882-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Angles (Blueprint 1-18496), (-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |
Gussets – Yoke Splice (Blueprint 1-18765), (-1) MISSING BLUEPRINT |