Important Announcement

On September 3, 2024, Hangar Thirteen was notified that it's Facebook page was unpublished due to Community Guideline violations. Facebook did not provide any information and stated that they do not have to tell us what violations led to this outcome. This came as a total surprise to us because we have never received a violation or a notice of one in the 6 years that we have had a presence on this platform. In fact, our Facebook dashboard currently says that we have no violations. We have disputed this decision, however we have not received any update or communication from Facebook. Our hope is to have our page restored, but we also understand that the page may be gone for good.

Because it is so important to us that we share the history of Lucky Thirteen as well as our progress rebuilding her, we are exploring other community-building platforms. In the meantime, we have decided to launch an email newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to our new mailing list, you may do so by clicking the button below.

Join the Mailing List

We sincerely thank the wonderful community that has taken an interest in our work on Facebook and we hope you will join us as we go forward.

Keep the show on the road!

About Hangar Thirteen

Hangar Thirteen is an organization intended to rebuild a Second World War heavy bomber that was shot down near Beauvais, France on 6 September 1943.  This aircraft, Lucky Thirteen, was a Boeing B-17F and, when rebuilt, will be the sole surviving aircraft to have participated in the bloody campaigns against Schweinfurt, Regensburg, and Stuttgart, Germany in the autumn of 1943.

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Artwork was created by and is the property of Mark Styling.